Welcome to Body and Soul Healthcare, Arizona's first center dedicated to the treatment of couple infertility and women's health using NaProTechnology (Natural Procreative Technology), a successful, scientifically based medical alternative to IVF! We understand and aim to meet the needs of married couples coping with infertility. We offer medical treatment and advice in a professional, caring, and supportive environment.
Ground-breaking NaProTECHNOLOGY can be used to help solve problems such as:
- Infertility
- Repetitive Miscarriage
- Ovarian Cysts
- Polycystic-Ovarian Syndrome
- Endometriosis
- Hormonal Abnormalities
- Unusual Bleeding
This approach requires a woman to record her fertility cycles using the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. Medical consultants trained in NPT use this to evaluate and treat couple's in cooperation with your reproductive cycle. CrMS is critical to optimizing your treatment. Tests and treatments are timed based on your unique individuals cycles-- not when most women ovulate. The CrMS is taught by trained Fertility Care practitioners.
Go to www.phxnfp.org to sign up for instruction locally. You can begin long distance instruction by going to www.fertilitycare.org.
Once you have tracked two cycles, or at least 40 days, if not cycling, please call Body and Soul Healthcare at the number listed above.
Please call to inquire about an appointment or to discuss any questions you may have prior to charting. When you call please let us know how you heard about us.
We look forward to working with you!
We seek out the cause of infertility in our patients and look to restore their bodies to a healthy state where natural conception can take place. Artificial fertility treatments ignore the causes of infertility and bypass the problem rather than looking to treat and sometimes cure the underlying cause. Naprotechnology empowers couples to participate in their own healthcare, allowing them to generate new life through their own act of intercourse.
NaProTechnology does not require the use of treatments which are destructive or suppressive in nature. All diagnostic tools and treatments are completely morally acceptable to many who find contraceptive methods of family planning, artificial reproductive technologies, and in-vitro fertilization morally unacceptable.